Liberalism vs. Fundamentalism
Because this blog is about liberal religion, I thought the following piece would be interesting. These are excerpts from a larger essay written by a 20 year old in 1949: The liberal starts with...
View ArticleWe are the keepers of the dream
This is the sermon I preached this Sunday. I hope you find some meaning here. Although it is a bit long, please take the time to read the whole thing (click on the link at the bottom of this entry for...
View ArticleOn Dreams, mountaintops, and promised lands
Below is a condensed version of my sermon to my congregation this past Sunday about how we can use Dr. King’s example to make our own dreams come true. I have edited out the parts of the sermon that...
View ArticleThe arc of the moral universe
This weekend, I heard Senator Barak Obama quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as saying, ” The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” I did an internet search and learned that...
View ArticleOn Dreams, Mountaintops, and Promised Lands
Forty two years ago this April, one of the greatest prophets of modern times was silenced after only 39 years on this earth. It has been another entire lifetime since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was...
View ArticleMartin Luther King Jr. Build His Vision, Not Just His Legacy
I believe that on this day, we should be unabashedly clear that it is not about how far we’ve’s about how far we have yet to go.
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